Goals & Indicators

  • Increase the number of technical assistance and trainings for producers


    Increase the number of technical assistance and trainings for producers

      • Indicator

        Number of producers supported with technical assistance

      • Indicator

        Number of trainings in sustainable production, environmental and sustainability

    • Support producers or organizations to improve production conditions


      Increase the number of producers or organizations linked to agricultural extension processes, to improve production conditions through science, technology and innovation and traini

        • Indicator

          Number of producers or organizations linked to agricultural extension processes

        • Indicator

          Number of technology and innovation and training programs

      • Increase the participation of young producers


        Increase the number of young producers in the value chains that participate in the pact linked to public or private programs to support young producers

        • Improve productivity rate


          Increase the average productivity

            • Indicator

              Percentage increase in average cocoa production

          • Increase the participation of women in decision- making mechanisms


            Increase the participation of women in associative or cooperative schemes, in steering committees or decision- making mechanisms

              • Indicator

                Number of women in associative or cooperative schemes

              • Indicator

                Number of women involved in steering committees or decision- making mechanisms

            • Rehabilitate cocoa crops and new sowings


              Rehabilitate cocoa crops and new sowings

              • Forests and natural ecosystems
            • Increase the area of production with optimized use of water resources


              Increase the area of production with optimized use of water resources

                • Indicator

                  Area of production with optimized use of water resources

              • Support and increase small farmers cocoa sales


                Support and increase small farmers cocoa sales

                  • Indicator

                    Percentage increase in small farmers cocoa sales

                • Support and increase the number of associations of cacao producers with improving their management practices


                  Support and increase the number of associations of cacao producers with improving their management practices

                    • Indicator

                      Number of associations of cacao producers with improved management practices

                  • Consolidate and strengthen the number of producers and organizations in the value chains


                    Consolidate and strengthen the number of producers and organizations of the chains that participate in the Pact that do not require intermediaries in the commercialization of their

                      • Indicator

                        Number of producers and organizations supported

                    • Increase restoration of forest area


                      Increase the area involved in active or passive restoration processes managed through the Corridor of Trans Andean Amazonia for Huila

                      • Forests and natural ecosystems
                      • Indicator

                        Area with improved restoration processes

                    • Capture CO2 through ecological restoration processes


                      Capture CO2 through ecological restoration processes

                      • Promote coffee in new markets


                        Promote the transformation and commercialization of cocoa and specialty coffees for national and international markets

                        • Increase areas through good practices in the chains with improved productivity per hectare


                          Increase the number of hectares with good practices in the chains that participate in the pact in a way that contributes to improving productivity per hectare.