Farmers from the Juruena and Araguaia Valleys receive their first technical visits

During the months of January and February 2020, selecting farmers and making technical visits have marked the beginning of the implementation phase of the Sustainable Production of Calves program.


In the Araguiala Valley, ACRIMAT (an implementor partner of the program) with support from the Sustainable Livestock Professionals Association (APPS), carried out the engagement and registration of 149 farms. In the beginning of the year 2020, the first farmers were selected and the first technical visits for engagement and property diagnosis were carried out. This started off the implementation phase of the Sustainable Production of Calves Program. Having a diagnosis made will help define the profile of the farmers, the sequence of the training and the technical visits that will be needed. 

Marcos Jacinto, an affiliate of Acrimat’s and one of the farmers benefitting from the Program in the Araguaia Valley, spoke about the experience of having technical visits: “This week at the farm I had a visit for property diagnosis from the technicians from the sustainable calf program; a project that is going at full steam!  It is amazing to see the enthusiasm of the team when they are received by the livestock farmers and are listened to and try to make a difference in livestock through their knowledge!”


While in the Juruena Valley, the engagement actions and first diagnostic visits were led by NatCap with support from the São Marcelo Farm and from the Contatto Consultoria. During the last week of February, 20 farmers were directly engaged and technical visits for productive diagnosis were held in 4 farms.  The target by the end of April is to select 40 farmers and carry out diagnostic visits and production and environment technical assistance in at least 25 farms.

The Program, even at the beginning, has been showing how worthwhile it is to engage and bring benefit to the small breeders of calves, mainly relating to the technical assistance component.  This is demonstrated by the statement by a farmer from the town of Juruena, Gilmar José Fleck, who, after having the first diagnostic visit, said: “(…) its’s the first time in 25 years that I have had a visit on my property from people who have come to teach me and want to help me produce better and more.”


Technical visits in calf farms provided farmers with knowledge and tools for taking care of their properties and animals. Diagnostic visits are to be made, technical assistance being offered in more than 25 farms from Juruena and Araguaia Valleys.