This project introduces a PPI compact at district level via the first pilot at part of Ea Tan, Ea Toh and Dlie Ya communes of 5,200 ha. This region is selected because of its special features. This PPI compact is not demarcated by administrative borders, but by the sourcing border of company. Coffee from this whole area of 5,200 ha is sourced by a single local coffee company of Simexco via cooperatives and small traders. This area has about 30% of ethnic minorities, with very high poverty rate of 10%. This area is facing a number of issues including: (i) highest chemical input use in Dak Lak province (70% of farms overuse of chemical fertilizer higher than recommended, 60% of farms overuse of pesticide, including the use of banned pesticide according to the market requirements); (ii) water issues: 17% of farms having no access to water source and 100% of farms using 30% of water volume higher than recommended, which lead to the loss of productivity by up to 30% in dry year of 2016 adn 2019.