Kubu Raya
General information
Land698.524 Ha
Forest coverNot specified
CroplandNot specified
Population579331 (2019)
ConsortiumsNot specified

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Gunung Ambawang


About the landscape West Kalimantan
West Kalimantan is a major production area for palm oil, timber, and pulp & paper, and therefore vital for the Indonesian economy. It is a sourcing area for many (international) companies and provides a source of income for local communities largely dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods. In the past five years, agriculture generated IDR 120.49 trillion to the economy. At the same time, the forests and peatlands of West Kalimantan are significant carbon stocks. The estimated carbon stock remaining in the province equals 1.6 Gigatons CO2. Moreover, its forests are home to endemic and endangered species such as the Bornean orangutan and the Proboscis monkey.

IDH aims to conserve 190,000 hectares of HCV/HCS forest and peatland (directly and indirectly), restore 10,000 hectares of forest and peatland, and improve sustainable agricultural production on 45,000 hectares. In addition, we aim to improve the livelihoods of 10,000 smallholder farmers and community members that are directly reached by training and service delivery.

According to the Provincial Monitoring Report on GHG Emission (2020), deforestation in Kubu Raya in the period 2013-2018 reached 109,923 hectares, with an average of 18,320 hectares per year. The deforestation rate boosted by 208 percent upon the baseline. It is equivalent to 26,171 units of new soccer fields appearing every year. Taking these figures into the overall perspective of West Kalimantan Province indicates that Kubu Raya had the 2nd highest deforestation rate in 2013-2015. Deforestation has an impact on the proportion of the remaining forest cover area. The forest remains only 30 percent or 260,548 hectares of the total district area in 2018.

The main challenge in Kubu Raya Regency is shifting the paradigm in managing land-based business sectors. The land-based sector is a backbone for the district to grow its regional income. According to the official data, the manufacturing industry is the most significant contributor to Gross Regional Domestic Revenue (GRDP) for 32.39 percent, while agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors for 12.04 percent in 2019. With the current pathway, achieving a balance between protection and production seems undefined. When referring to the deforestation rate, land clearing activities and fires accounted for the largest deforestation of 57,534 hectares (52.34 percent), the plantation sector covering 38,565 hectares (35 percent), the forestry sector covering 11,196 hectares (10.18 percent), the sector agriculture covering 2,545 hectares (2 percent), and 83 hectares (0.5 percent) came from the settlement (infrastructure), fisheries, and mining activities.

The Government of Kubu Raya collaborates with Yayasan Inisiatif Dagang Hijau (YIDH) to respond to those challenges by compiling and implementing the sustainable development action plan. The collaboration started formally since the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Green Growth Implementation Acceleration was signed in 2020. The MoU is a form of commitment to ensure the sustainable challenges in Kubu Raya District to be solved. Furthermore, the commitment is formulated through Strategy and Action Plan Document on Kubu Raya Green Growth Acceleration (SRAK PPH). The SRAK PPH develops strategies, targets, measurable indicators, time frames, and institutional and funding frameworks. The SRAK PPH document is an operational plan for stakeholders in the land-based business sector to strengthen the PPI Compact platform at the Kubu Raya District jurisdiction level. The SRAK PPH sets seven strategies, 16 achievement targets, and more than 31 indicators that stakeholders must perform during 2020- 2025.

Aligned with it, to ensure targets and indicators are achieved, the Government of Kubu Raya District prepares several “enabling conditions” to oversee the green growth implementation. One of those is through formed the Green Growth Acceleration Task Force (Pokja PPPH), which is regulated through Kubu Raya Regent Decree Number 397/Bappeda/2021 on Green Growth Acceleration Task Force. Post formed of those components, Kubu Raya District prepared to enter the intensive implementation phase of SRAK PPH to respond to the sustainable challenges there.

And also, Pokja PPPH has a Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) Platform to oversee the SRAK PPH achievement progress called Entative.