Green Growth Task Force (Pokja P3H) was Established
Kubu Raya District has stated its commitment to encourage the acceleration of green growth plan by collaborating with Yayasan Inisiatif Dagang Hijau (YIDH) through the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Strategy and Action Plan Document on Green Growth Plan Acceleration (SRAK PPH). Aligned with it, in terms of implementation, the Government of Kubu Raya District has established the technical sub-structure to reach the green growth milestones formulated under the SRAK PPH.

Thus, on June 15, 2021, the Regent of Kubu Raya District signed the Regent Decree Number 397/Bappeda/2021 Regarding Green Growth Acceleration Task Force (Pokja P3H). Pokja P3H is a proper receptacle for a multi-stakeholder (government, private sector, and NGO/Civil Society) with a commitment and sustainability vision to drive the acceleration of green growth plan.

As a technical sub-structure, Pokja P3H has three core duties derivative to government vision on the green growth action plan, which are: a) determine funding policies, investment, cooperation with partners, donors, and other institutions; b) oversee Strategy and Action Plan on Green Growth Acceleration (SRAK PPH), and c) building cooperation in supporting the implementation of the green growth plan in Kubu Raya District.

To ensure those duties proceed, Pokja P3H is structured by its tasks and function. Pokja P3H consists of four vertical structures led by the director, coach, chairman, and secretary. And, for the horizontal structure will be led by the secretary, which consists of four different elements, those are: a. Data and Publication Section. b. Partnership and Institution Section. c. Forest Protection and Conservation Section. d. Sustainable Commodity Development Section.
