Aceh Tamiang
General information
Land195702 Ha
Forest cover237250 Ha (2022)
Cropland87053 Ha (2022)
Population297522 (2022)
Forest Positive Coalition

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Leuser Ecosystem


About Aceh Landscape
The province of Aceh is a very important commodity producing region. The province also covers most of the Leuser ecosystem, which is home to unique species such as Sumatran orangutans, Sumatran elephants, and rhinos. All three species have been placed on the list of threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The Aceh Tamiang district, in particular, produces a number of important products such as palm oil, natural rubber, pulp, and coffee.

Working closely with stakeholders, HDI aims to protect the remaining natural forests on private, state and community lands, with a focus on the Leuser ecosystem. IPM has connected the Aceh Tamiang government with major palm oil buyers such as Pepsico and Unilever, who have a clear interest in decoupling palm oil from deforestation and seeking cost-effective solutions. The government, palm oil companies and the IPM are exploring the possibility of establishing a Verified Supply Zone (VSA) in Aceh Tamiang. Tamiang

has signed a PPI pact with the Indonesian Aceh Palm Oil Entrepreneurs Association (GAPKI), the Leuser Conservation Forum (FKL), the Green Trade Initiative (HDI) Foundation, the Aceh Tamiang Farmers and Fishermen's Groups Association
(KTNA), and the Aceh Forest  Management Unit (KPH) Region III . This collaboration will ensure that all the goals of sustainable palm oil production, protection of forest areas and areas of the Leuser ecosystem, and improving the well-being of independent smallholders are achieved by 2023.