Balsas Region
General information
Land5206282 Ha
Forest cover3677606 Ha (2020)
Cropland1050546 Ha (2020)
Population244642 (2020)
ConvenersNot specified


Balsas Compact it is  a pact at the municipal level in Balsas-MA, through an interinstitutional initiative establishing the cooperation and efforts necessary to promote economic and sustainable development based on three main axes, namely: Production, Conservation and Inclusion (PCI).
The municipality of Balsas is located in the State of Maranhão, which is part of the region called MATOPIBA which also includes the states of Tocantins, Piauí and Bahia. This region located in the North / Northeast of Brazil is characterized by the Cerrado biome and by its frank expansion in agricultural production in recent years, which consolidates it as an important agricultural frontier in the country.
According to the IBGE, in 2019 the city of Balsas has an estimated population of 94,887 inhabitants, and an area that corresponds to approximately 13,141,757 km², thus becoming the third largest city in the state in urbanized territory and the largest municipality in the world. Maranhão in total area (urban and rural), with a demographic density of 6.36 inhabitants / km².
According to data analyzed by the Maranhense Institute of Socioeconomic and Cartographic Studies (IMESC) based on the 2017 GDP data released by the IBGE, Balsas is one of the six municipalities that contribute to half of the GDP of the State of Maranhão, as well as in other regions in the state its economy is mainly focused on Agriculture, in the production and trade of grains, especially Soy, which is constituted as the economic base of the city, having one of the largest production volumes in the North and Northeast.
In 2019, 214,424 hectares of soy planted area were surveyed, thus constituting the largest area in the state, corresponding to 21% of the planted area in the entire state.   According to data from the Municipal Livestock Survey (PPM) of 2018, registered by IBGE, the number of cattle reached 72,391 head of cattle, and the use of land for grazing was 12,385 ha, of which 8.6 1,000 ha are degraded according to data from the Agroideal tool ( The bovine stocking, according to the Agroideal tool, corresponded to 0.8 AU / ha for the base year of 2017. 
Specification in the state of Maranhão, FAPCEN has partners and work developed in seven municipalities, namely: Balsas, Riachão, Loreto, Pastos Bons, Tasso Fragoso, São Raimundo das Mangabeiras and Alto Parnáiba.
FAPCEN is an institution which is part of several dialogue tables in different sectors, with assiduous partners in the execution of the proposed works. He has technical and managerial capacity to successfully carry out work at regional, national and international levels, has experience and has already carried out work in partnerships with renowned institutions such as: IPAM (Amazon Research Institute), TNC (The Nature Conservancy), EII ( Earth Innovation Institute), and a partnership with Solidaridad and HDI, this in 2011-2014.