Sustainable Coffee Landscape in Dak Lak


Farmers to be reached: 5,362

Size of land: 7,604 ha

Duration: 2016 -2018

Implementing Partner: SIMEXCO

Other Partners Involved: UTZ, EDE, WASI, Farm Tree Services


About the Project

The project focusses on raising the awareness and understanding of coffee farmers about:

  • Climate change effects on agricultural production and possibilities for adaptation (specifically through the use of tree crops/shade trees)
  • The need to reduce water consumption for irrigation through more efficient irrigation technologies
  • Improving input use to reduce emissions of unwanted substances (e.g. nutrients, pesticides, GHG) that could harm the environment, e.g. by selecting less hazardous pesticides and using fertilizers more efficiently.
  • The advantages of working together in community groups, which aim to define group policies on water use that could lead jointly to buy better quality inputs with less negative impacts on the environment.

Hand in hand with training activities, the project will also develop demo plots with water saving technology, which will be used as training grounds for Farmer Field Schools. Farm management data (through the adoption of Farmer Field Book) will be collected during the project duration of input use and output produced by farmers to enable a quantitative estimation of the emissions of fertilizers, energy and pesticides. Results of farm data analysis will be used to inform farmers about their environmental and financial performance, and to stimulate better agriculture practices, especially on water, fertilizers and pesticides. Particular emphasis will also be put on the involvement of youth in coffee farming.

This project hopes to reach the impacts of:

  • Reduced pollution of water and soil and emission of GHG
  • Long term farmer income and productivity safeguarded
  • Sufficient water availability for production and consumption in the landscape
  • Improved policies and enforcement creating an enabling environment for social and environmental impact

For more information:

Trần Thị Quỳnh Chi |

Lê Đức Huy |

Đỗ Ngọc Sỹ |