Chiapas Landscape
General information
Land339000 Ha
Forest coverNot specified
CroplandNot specified
PopulationNot specified
Earthworm Foundation
Forest Positive Coalition


The Progress Reporting data is currently based on the 2023 annual report. In March 2025, we’ll update it using data from the 2024 annual report.
Commodities: Palm Oil
Scope: covering 339,000 ha with field activities in the coastal zone of La Encrucijada, representing 5% of the total size of the State of Chiapas (7,331,100 ha)

Chiapas produces nearly half of Mexico's palm oil, with 90% of farmers being smallholders. The state is also second in the country in terms of biodiversity and forest cover. We work in Chiapas to protect nature while addressing poverty, commodity price changes, and low productivity.