General information
Land82.449 Ha
Forest cover6.747 Ha (2019)
Cropland45.526 Ha (2021)
Population184777 (2019)
ConvenersNot specified
ConsortiumsNot specified

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Cu M'Gar


Treaty  in Cu Mgar district with 17 communes and communes. Total area 62,193 ha: includes 11,740 ha of forestry and 45,526 ha of productive land (82.9% of which is coffee (37726 ha), 10.5% - pepper (4800ha) and 6.6% - fruit goods (3000ha)  and  36,000 households. There are many companies related to JDE, Simexco, Sucden coffee, Dak Man, Intimex BMT, NedSpice, some cooperatives and farmers.