Di Linh
General information
Land118852 Ha
Forest cover74552 Ha (2021)
Cropland44500 Ha (2021)
Population161212 (2020)
ConvenersNot specified
ConsortiumsNot specified

Images & videos

Di Linh


This PPI compact pilots for a Robusta coffee based jurisdiction (coffee accounts for 94.3% of agri land), sourced by a number coffee buyers (such as ACOM, LDC...) and faced with issues of soil degradation, water overuse and bad farming practices to implement Green Growth targets. This project integrates SDM approach (from Coffee Program) into the PPI compact to introduce a new model for service delivery of high-quality inputs at large scale. This is the first time we engage small traders into the project as key partners to improve efficiency of farmers’ input support and thrives towards transparent supply chain. This project pilots the innovative learnings among farmers to improve adoption rate of sustainable farming practices to ensure that both farmers within and without supply chains of companies get access to knowledge and investment opportunities for improved PPI compact. is to outline a shared vision for a sustainable coffee landscape based on green growth and sustainability for Di Linh District, Lam Dong province.