Intimex Buon Ma Thuot's Company Organizes Training for Farmers in the Sustainable Landscape Coffee Program in Ea H'leo District

From May 13 to 24, 2024, Intimex Buon Ma Thuot's company, in coordination with the consulting unit (Tan Cao Nguyen Company) and the People's Committees of the communes, organized a training session for farmers under the "SDM service supply model" project in Ea Hiao and Ea Khal communes as part of the Sustainable Landscape Coffee Program in Ea H'leo district. To create the most favorable conditions for the participation of a large number of people, training classes were held at the halls of self-management boards of villages and hamlets.

The training aimed to improve production capacity and understanding of sustainable and responsible production. It covered topics such as nutrition management, soil conservation, compost organic fertilizer, intercropping techniques, and garden rejuvenation.

The training attracted a total of 1,423 participants, including 978 from Ea Hiao commune and 445 from Ea Khal commune. Instructors shared updated information, knowledge, and techniques in sustainable and responsible production, and market requirements/ trends. Farmers were also encouraged to share their own good experiences as well as successful production models and to visit effective production linkage models at Trong Phu Sustainable Agricultural Cooperatives and Dai Thang - Ea Hiao Cooperative.

Therefore, farmers have gained new knowledge to understand "sustainable and responsible production" and the increasingly strict market demands. This will help them gradually shift their mindset towards greener and more sustainable production practices.


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