Capacity Building on Carbon Emission Measurement and Sustainable Investment Profiling
The Kubu Raya’s Strategy and Action Plan on Green Growth Acceleration (SRAK PPH) is a compact document that consists of several milestones that need to be reached by the Green Growth Acceleration Task Force (Pokja P3H). The indicators cover themes separated by specific segmentation, e.g., forestry, agriculture, social, and economy. Each thematic target needs knowledge in the implementation and monitoring phase. Thus, capacity building is an essential component to conduct in the first phase of implementation. Carbon emission and sustainable investment are part of the green growth components formulated under SRAK PPH of Kubu Raya. To oversee those components, especially for carbon emission, the Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) framework needs to be known.
The Carbon Emission Measurement topic was led by Prof. DR. Ir Gusti Hardiansyah, M.Sc QAM. IPU, the REDD+ figure of West Kalimantan Province and Sustainable Investment Profiling, was led by Prof. Dr. Eddy Suratman, S.E., M.A, the Economic Figure of Tanjungpura University.