IDH consolidates Environmental Regularization Program in Mato Grosso

News article - 26 Jan 2021

The Work Plan anticipated in the Term of Technical Cooperation signed this year between the State Secretariat of Environment of Mato Grosso (Sema-MT) and IDH is already being implemented. With the support of IDH, 10 technicians will reinforce, for one year, the Secretariat’s team in the Mato Grosso Environmental Regularization Program, in order to meet a demand pointed out by the environmental agency as a priority for the implementation of the Forest Code and public policies in the state of MT.

“It is very important for farmers to have their CAR validated and, when necessary, to adhere to the PRA. This will enable the definitive valuation of the environmental assets retained on the property and, consequently, the implementation of Payment for Environmental Services (PSA) mechanisms for the growers. The international market has been waiting for this for years,” explains Daniela Mariuzzo, IDH Brazil Executive Director & Latam Landscapes Program Director.

The Work Plan was jointly constructed to meet the needs and opportunities pointed out by Sema-MT and focuses on the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) and the Environmental Regularization Program (PRA).

The cooperation reinforces the commitment of Sema-MT with the establishment of partnerships that deliver results for the sustainable development advocated by the state of Mato Grosso, support by the PCI State Strategy.

“The investment made by IDH in Mato Grosso shows the confidence that international partners are placing in our public policies for sustainable development. The partnership will help us to speed up the implementation of the Environmental Regularization Program, within the scope of the Rural Environmental Registry”, said the State Secretary for the Environment, Mauren Lazzaretti.



The Cooperation Term

The work plan provided for in the Agreement Includes the mobilization and training of service providers, municipal technicians and employees of rural associations and unions on issues related to CAR, PRA, Forest Restoration, and monitoring.

The activities consolidate the sustainable territorial development strategy of municipalities of Mato Grosso, with priority given to Juruena, Cotriguaçu, Sorriso and Barra do Garças, where Regional PCI (Produce, Conserve and Include) Compacts have been implemented, with goals agreed for the sustainable development of the territory, including the promotion of environmental regularization.

In these municipalities, the cooperation between IDH and Sema-MT will allow, for instance, correcting inaccuracies of the information entered in the Mato Grosso Rural Environmental Registration System (SIMCAR), which make it difficult to validate the CAR. To this end, IDH is compiling municipal databases that will be validated by Sema-MT before being entered into the state system.

The qualification of these data reduces possible failures, allowing greater agility in the validation of the CAR of rural properties in these regions.

At the same time, together with environmental regularization, IDH is also structuring a support program for land regularization in settlements in these municipalities.