PCI presents balance of goals during COP25, in Madrid

News article - 13 Feb 2020

Last in December, the Executive Director of the PCI Institute, Fernando Sampaio, presented in Madrid, an updated balance of the goals of the Produce, Preserve and Include (PCI) Strategy. The document was launched at the Amazon Madrid event, which brought together governments from the states of the Brazilian Amazon during the 25th edition of the UN Climate Conference (COP25).

Indicators of 21 goals for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018, available on the PCI Monitor website, were analyzed. These goals include the challenges for forest asset protection areas, sustainable production of commodities and inclusion of family farming in public policies.

Sampaio explained that in order to monitor the fulfillment of the goals established for Mato Grosso by 2030, in 2019 they created a PCI Monitoring Committee, which was derived from a goal-monitoring working group. “With it, we are able to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions and subsidize the improvement or redirecting actions, thus ensuring effectiveness, transparency and credibility of the strategy for partners, investors and society in general”.

The State of Mato Grosso was represented by its Vice-Governor, Otaviano Pivetta, and by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Mauren Lazzaretti. Both reinforced the commitment of the State towards combating illegal deforestation and the implementation of the Brazilian Forest Code, through environmental regularization and adding value to standing forests.

During Amazon Madrid, representatives of the States of the Legal Amazon (Amapá, Acre, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Tocantins, Maranhão, Roraima and Mato Grosso) discussed the commitments and challenges for promoting economic development in view of low carbon emissions. Together, the states created the Consortium of the Amazon States, with the purpose of supporting the region in finding solutions to common challenges.

Daan Wensing, IDH Global Director of Sustainable Landscapes, took part in the panel that discussed the contribution of agribusiness to low carbon emissions. The purpose was to discuss strategies that combine development with low emissions, aiming to expand the scale of sustainable businesses, based on a territorial approach.

Investments to promote low carbon development

Fernando Sampaio and Daan Wensing also participated, together with governors, ministers and other authorities, in a round table organized by the Earth Innovation Institute (EII), on ways to increase investments in their sustainability and low carbon development strategies.

The main point was reinforcing the need to establish an agenda to fight deforestation, that promotes inclusion and highlights the progress achieved by the states in this journey.

Sustainable supply chains

PCI was also presented at Brazil Hub, held during COP25, in a debate on sustainable commodity chains, which analyzed the advances in the livestock and soy chains in Brazil and also the challenges and opportunities ahead.

The jurisdictional approach is one of the solutions proposed by PCI to guarantee production sustainability to the market.