Environmental and land regularization is discussed in Sorriso

News article - 13 Oct 2019

In October, the PCI Regional Compact Committee in Sorriso (MT) discussed strategies aimed at promoting environmental and land regularization – two aspects considered a priority in the region. In addition to establishing what the action to qualify the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) farmers’ information will be, they also agreed on a pilot project to regularize the land situation in settlements of the municipality.

Alex Schmidt, territorial manager of IDH Brazil, has explained that in order to achieve a successful CAR’s base in Mato Grosso, they will focus on the qualification of information. “Based on our analysis, we have realized it is possible to consolidate a quality database in the city hall before it is input in the system of the State Secretariat of Environment (Sema). If we manage to guarantee such quality still at the municipal level, there is a much greater possibility that analyses made at Sema will be more agile, which will speed up the process as a whole,” Alex explained.

The implementation of this flow is intended to benefit mainly small rural farmers, who do not always have the means to invest in hiring specialized personnel in environmental management.

Another piece of news was the proposal to implement a pilot land regularization project in the settlements in Sorriso – which brings together approximately 380 families with agricultural production. “We have designed a workflow to streamline the procedures that are required in land adjustment process. With the definition of the steps for regularization, we have brought clarity to the points whereby the action at the municipal level can bring benefits and speed to the process as a whole, and prepare the territory for titling”, revealed the territorial manager.