IDH brings together staff and partners to evaluate year results and plan next steps

News article - 2 Dec 2019

A full week dedicated to strengthening partnerships, updates on work done and planning on priority actions for 2020 related to the Juruena Valley, Sorriso and Barra do Garças Regional Compacts, the Calf Sustainable Production Program and new initiatives in commodity chains and territorial governance. This was the IDH and partners’ agenda between November 11 and 14, in Campinas (SP).

The first round was held with non-governmental organizations that have synergies within the concept of landscapes. Each organization presented its approach and track record in territories of common interest, which allowed to establish connections for joint action.

The following day, IDH welcomed members of P&A Consultoria, a company that has over 20 years of experience and global operations in various agribusiness industries, especially coffee and cocoa. Strategies for diversifying sustainable productive chains for farmers benefiting from IDH programs and projects were discussed.

“We see a lot of complementarity in the actions undertaken by P&A and by IDH with concrete possibilities for partnerships that leverage results for the coffee and cocoa industries,” said Pedro Ronca, Brazil Program Manager at WCF’s Global Coffee Platform and CocoaAction Brazil Initiative ( World Cocoa Foundation).

The Sustainable Calf Production Program was also in the agenda, bringing together implementing partners Acrimat and NatCap, as well as São Marcelo Farm, guests who provided strategic information about the livestock chain, such as Felipe Nunes, who presented the results of the research “Intensification of livestock and deforestation in productive chains”, under development by the Federal University of Minas Gerais and Centre for Territorial Intelligence.

The results achieved in this first year of implementation are promising and show the commitment of the implementing partners in engaging farmers and achieving goals. As an example of these results, we can especially mention having reached 198 farmers, of the expected 457; 62 thousand hectares of impacted pasture area, of the expected 102 thousand; 667 hectares of restoration areas, of the 1,800 indicated as a target.

To further advance results, IDH and partners find it essential to maintain the engagement process for new memberships. Another point is the implementation of the demonstration units (Environmental Restoration and Intensification) that are linked to the environmental and land regularization work, the analysis process of which has already been initiated by IDH.

All activities are based on the Regional Compacts, which focus on territorial development, with production, conservation and inclusion goals. And for 2020, our goal is to consider the territorial strategy in other states as well.