SourceUp is now seeking open feedback on the draft version of its policy


On April 8 2021, we launched the public consultation of the SourceUp policy which will be running until May 20, 2021. You can access the policy and brochure on the SourceUp approach. Through this consultation, we hope to take stock of these experiences and remaining questions and develop a final version of the Policy that will guide the first years of official implementation of the platform.

While the current draft is the result of extensive engagement with our partners and informed by practical experiences of the Compacts currently on SourceUp, we recognize that we are touching upon many complex issues where other actors may have experiences that we can learn from to improve our model. Similarly, we realize that certain aspects of SourceUp may not yet be fully developed and that specific questions may remain. Through this consultation, we hope to take stock of these experiences and remaining questions and develop a final version of the Policy that will guide the first years of official implementation of the platform.

The SourceUp policy is the backbone document which will dictate the core principles and processes of SourceUp. The document will describe the processes and requirements for various stakeholders involved in SourceUp, from landscape partners involved in Compacts, to Committed Buyers who can use SourceUp to deliver on their sustainability commitments and make claims accordingly.  It will also define what are the criteria if the coalition of stakeholders (Compacts) want to become a Verified Sourcing Area.

We appreciate and welcome the feedback from all types of stakeholders. To provide feedback, please fill in the questionnaire.

Access to deeper levels of the platform will be soon available without invitation. We kindly ask you for your patience while we finalize the last steps of the new platform version.

If you want to learn more about the project, contact us at
