Tapanuli Selatan Landscape Initiative
General information
Land433.535 Ha
Forest cover197.098 Ha (2020)
CroplandNot specified
Population312.541 (2023)
ConvenersNot specified
ConsortiumsNot specified


Tapanuli Selatan has high biodiversity with tropical rainforest and lowland forest ecosystems that need to be preserved, amidst population growth, which demands space and natural resources to fulfill its needs. Konservasi Indonesia works in Tapanuli Selatan to protect important ecosystems, such as forests, wetlands, and marine ecosystems that maintain climate stability.

Forests in the Tapanuli Selatan play an important role as habitats for key animals, such as orangutans and Sumatran tigers. On the other hand, Tapanuli Selatan is also the world's largest producer of commodities, such as coffee, cocoa, rubber, palm oil, and horticulture.

Good agricultural practices (GAP) are implemented for farmers to increase production while preventing the expansion of plantations into the forest. Meanwhile, forest and peat areas in Tapanuli Selatan are natural capital that needs to be managed to help maintain climate stability.