Members of PCI Regional Compacts assess and discuss lessons learned and outcomes in the implementation process
In the state of Mato Grosso, IDH conducted surveys and meetings with the members of the three Regional PCI Covenants. This was done in order that the participants understand the objectives and the promises of the Compact’s proposal.

The process of sharing learning on the construction of Regional Compacts is an important step for us to understand the path that was and continues to be built. Therefore, we can improve ourselves and enable possible adjustments along the way. This was the understanding with which, during the month of June, IDH conducted surveys and meetings with the members of the three Regional PCI Covenants in the state of Mato Grosso (Barra do Garças, Sorriso and Vale do Juruena).
There were two steps of this process. The first step was to conduct a survey through an online form. Invited to complete it were 110 people directly linked to the Compacts, so that information about expectations, challenges, results, and opportunities is collected. In a second step, the information gathered was organized and presented in online meetings with the members of each Compact. Here, the participants were able to learn and discuss the main results, contributing with new information, examples, and interpretations.
“One point that drew considerable attention was the synergy reached in the understandings about the Compact’s proposal, its objective and the potential to yield results that the proposal brings. We deem these moments very important”, says Daniela Mariuzzo, Executive Director of the IDH in Brazil and of the Landscapes Program in Latin America.
Another topic was the common understanding that communication is crucial. Whether it is internal (with members of the compact), or external (with the society in general, investors and companies), is critical to ensure a good performance of the actions, to ensure the success of the initiatives, and to create future opportunities.
In the opinion of TNC Brazil’s Conservation expert, Raimunda Mello, “it was very good to see all this collective work reflected in the responses, for it values the institutions involved in the process. A lot has happened, and many results have been achieved in such a short time. It is important to see it expressed in this way”. TNC is the organization that coordinates the implementation of the Barra do Garças PCI Compact.
Regarding the Sorriso PCI Compact, Cid Sanches, external consultant of RTRS in Brazil, pointed out the recognition of farmers and industries as part of the results in this process: “I found it very interesting to see the appreciation and recognition highlighted, aiming at a better commercialization and value added to products for being produced within this whole governance structure”.
Information was collected through surveys and meetings were done so that people linked to Compacts understand the importance of communication in their work. The information collected during this learning stage will support the next steps of the Regional Compacts, which may trigger an action plan that will contribute to the goals implementation process and help in structuring and strengthening actions aimed at governance, monitoring and investments.