Goals & Indicators

  • Protection and sustainable management of forests by their owners


    50,000 ha of forests in the rural domain are protected and sustainably managed by their owners (communities or private) by end 2027

    • Forests and natural ecosystems
  • Strengthen timber plantations


    • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionSDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Actively restore the Scio forest areas


    18,000 ha of the Scio classified forest is gradually restored by end 2026, through reforestation and agroforestry

    • Forests and natural ecosystems
  • Actively restore forest areas


    Develop active restoration actions in forest areas, prioritized watersheds or natural ecosystems

    • Forests and natural ecosystems
    • Indicator

      Number of restorative actions put into action

  • Restore forest areas through reforestation and agroforestry through the rural domain


    50,000 ha of the forests in the rural domain are gradually restored by end 2026, through reforestation and agroforestry

    • Forests and natural ecosystems
  • Increase cocoa and coffee plantations cultivated through agroforestry


    80% of cocoa and coffee plantations are cultivated in agroforestry (30 to 60 trees/ha) by end 2026

      • Indicator

        Number of ha of cocoa plantations under agroforestry

      • Indicator

        Number of ha of coffee plantations under agroforestry

    • Increase number of farmers in the region who have a land certificate in Cavally


      75% of farmers in the region have a land certificate by end 2027

      • Land tenure
      • Indicator

        Number of farmers with a land certificate

      • Indicator

        Number of adults with secure land tenure in Cavally

      • Indicator

        Number of conflicts and disputes in Cavally

      • Indicator

        Number of farmers with individual land certificates issued in Cavally

      • Indicator

        Number of hectares with formalized land tenure in Cavally

      • Indicator

        Number of villages delimited in Cavally

    • Decrease population below the national poverty line


      Yearly (agricultural) net household income increase compared to national poverty line, and national living income benchmark

      • Livelihoods
    • Classify forests under strict protection status in the Cavally classified forest


      60% of the Cavally classified forest (40,000 ha) is under strict protection status by end 2027

      • Forests and natural ecosystems
    • Actively restore the Goin Débé classified forest areas


      30,000 ha of the Goin Débé classified forest is gradually restored by end 2026, through reforestation and agroforestry

      • Forests and natural ecosystems
    • Classify forests under strict protection status in the Cavally-Mont-Sinté classified forest


      10% of the Cavally-Mont-Sinté classified forest (1,300 ha) is under strict protection status by end 2027

      • Forests and natural ecosystems
    • Increase rice production


      Increase rice production by 11% by end 2027 in the Cavally region

      • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionSDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    • Actively protect forest areas


      178,000 ha (out of a total of 536,000 ha) of the Taï National Park and N'Zo Fauna Reserve benefit from enhanced protection by end 2027

      • Forests and natural ecosystems
      • Indicator

        Area deforested / year in the Taï National Park and N'Zo Fauna Reserve

      • Indicator

        Area of forests degraded/ year in the Taï National Park and N'Zo Fauna Reserve

    • Increase staple food production


      Increase staple food (maize, cassava, banana, yam) production by 14,3% by end 2026

      • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionSDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    • Increase fuelwood production


      Increase fuelwood production by 18,2% by end 2027 in the Cavally region

      • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionSDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    • Support financial mechanisms in Cavally


      At least 50% of villages in the Cavally region have established Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs)

      • Livelihoods
    • Increase coffee production


      Increase coffee production by 44% by end 2026

      • Increase poultry production


        Increase poultry production by 50% by end 2026 in the Cavally region

        • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionSDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
      • Increase rubber production


        Increase rubber production by 18,3% by end 2026 in the Cavally region

        • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionSDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
      • Classify forests under strict protection status


        10% of the Goin Débé classified forest (13,300 or 2660 ha/year) is under strict protection status by end 2027

        • Forests and natural ecosystems
      • Support the establishment of youth and women's organizations in Cavally


        There's at least one youth and women's organization active in forest protection in each village of the region

        • Livelihoods
        • Gender Transformative
        • Indicator

          Number of villages with youth forest protection organization

      • Actively restore forest areas


        Develop active restoration actions in forest areas, prioritized watersheds or natural ecosystems

        • Forests and natural ecosystems
        • Indicator

          Number of restorative actions put into action

      • Increase cocoa production


        Increase 5% cocoa production by end 2026 in the Cavally region

          • Indicator

            Volume of cocoa produced annually in the Cavally region

        • Restore forest areas in Cavally-Mont-Sinté through reforestation and agroforestry


          2,900 ha of the Cavally-Mont-Sinté classified forest is gradually restored by end 2026, through reforestation and agroforestry

          • Forests and natural ecosystems
        • Increase pork production


          Increase pork production by 50% by end 2027 in the Cavally region

          • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionSDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
        • Actively restore the Cavally classified forest areas


          13,500 ha (or 2700 ha/year) of the Cavally classified forest is gradually restored by end 2026, through reforestation and natural regeneration by end 2027

          • Forests and natural ecosystems
        • Classify forests under strict protection status in the Scio classified forest


          10% of the Scio classified forest (8,000 ha) is under strict protection status by end 2027

          • Forests and natural ecosystems