Simexco Dak Lak Company's Training on Farm Surveys to Meet EUDR

From May 10th to 14th, 2024, Simexco Dak Lak, in collaboration with IDH, the CuMgar District Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the People's Committees of Cu Sue, Ea Kpam, Ea Đrong, Cuor Dang, and Ea Pok Town, conducted training on farm surveys and data collection for local officials, agricultural staff, and village representatives.


The training aimed to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to comply with the EUDR. Simexco Dak Lak's agricultural staff and trainers provided an overview of the EUDR, and its implications for Vietnamese agricultural exports to the EU, particularly coffee, and guided participants on using survey forms to collect farm data meeting EU requirements.


After the training, Simexco Dak Lak distributed 11,390 survey forms to village representatives across the five localities. This initiative will enable immediate data collection and ensure timely completion of the survey process, aligning with the CuMgar District People's Committee's plan.