Goals & Indicators

  • Increase the hectares resilient to climate change with sustainability certifications in cocoa to 2,370 by 2031 (Fair Trade, organic certification, Rainforest, UTZ, Echar Pa'lante certification, among others) in the jurisdictions of the HYLEA Pact


    • Sustainable Production
    • Indicator

      Number of hectares of cocoa with sustainability certifications (Fair Trade, organic certification, Rainforest, UTZ, Echar Pa'lante certification, among others)

  • Increase coffee productivity by 36% by 2031 in HYLEA Pact jurisdictions


    • Sustainable Production
  • Increase to 1,887 hectares under ecological restoration in HYLEA Compact jurisdictions by 2031


    • Protection, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
    • Indicator

      Number of hectares under ecological restoration

  • Increase cocoa productivity by 44% by 2031 in HYLEA Pact jurisdictions


    • Sustainable Production
  • Increase to 196 associations trained in business, commercial, administrative and marketing skills in coffee by 2031


    • Protection, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
    • Indicator

      Number of associations trained with strengthening of business capacities in coffee

  • Increase to 182 associations trained in business, commercial, administrative and marketing skills in cocoa by 2031


    • Protection, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
    • Indicator

      Number of associations trained with strengthening of business capacities in cocoa

  • Increase to 3,561 women participating in cooperative and associative schemes in coffee and cocoa chains by 2031


    • Protection, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
    • Gender Transformative
    • Indicator

      Number of women participating in cooperative and associative schemes

  • Increase to 65,411 ToneqCO2 captured by 2031 in ecological restoration areas with allometric projection of standing aerial biomass.


    • Protection, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
    • Indicator

      Amount of CO2 captured in ecological restoration areas with allometric projection of standing aerial biomass

  • Increase the hectares of crops resilient to climate change with sustainability certifications in coffee to 17,400 by 2031 (4C, UTZ, FLO, RAINFOREST, Fair trade, among others) in the jurisdictions of the HYLEA Pact


    • Sustainable Production
    • Indicator

      Number of hectares of coffee crops with sustainability certifications (4C, UTZ, FLO, RAINFOREST, Fair trade, among others)

  • Reduce annual deforestation to 0% in HYLEA Pact jurisdictions by 2031


    • Protection, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services