Lac Duong
General information
Land127292 Ha
Forest cover116292 Ha (1)
Cropland11000 Ha (1)
Population28530 (1)
ConsortiumsNot specified


Lac Duong is a district located in Lam Dong, one of the richest forest resource areas in the Central Highland region, with 85% forest coverage and high forest reserve and biodiversity. The total area of Lac Duong is 131,394 ha, of which the forestry area accounts for the majority with 113.936 ha and the agricultural area is 11,374 ha. The area of coffee, vegetables and flowers is 4,208 ha, 3,450 and 1, 127 ha, respectively, while the rest is used for other agricultural products such as rice and fruits.

This five year project aims to support Lac Duong district in  developing a deforestation-free sustainable landscape through strengthening  the  PPI compact in the whole district of Lac Duong based on green growth and sustainability. This is to be achieved through a public-private-partnership approach that seeks to contribute meaningfully to key agriculture sector policies and socio-economic development goals and natural resource conservation objectives of the district. Focuses of the project are: (i) Business transformation (ii) Legal framework and PPP governance (iii) Forest protection and Soil conservation; (v) Sustainable production practices and (vi) Increased incomes and improved living standards for coffee/vegetable farming households.