The Municipality of Ngoro located about 160 Km North of the Yaoundé city and is made of 24 villages. It covers 1576 km2 and has an estimated population of 20,829 inhabitants (PCD, 2022), with the highest population growth rates in the Division of Mbam and Kim. Ngoro is covered mostly by forests, followed by wooded and grassy savannah.
Cocoa Production and Food Crops:
According to the baseline study conducted by Fokabs in 2020, cocoa, banana/plantain and macabo are the most cultivated crops in the landscape.
Many farmers in the Ngoro landscape cultivate farms in the forest (72%), and secondly in woddy savannahs (28%).
Land use change, driver of deforestation and future trends of deforestation
Direct drivers of deforestation/degradation in Ngoro Landscape are agriculture, artisanal timber exploitation, while indirect drivers of deforestation are demographic growth and economic crisis coupled with migration.