Sorriso Landscape
General information
Land9757500 Ha
Forest cover5650000 Ha (2025)
Cropland3380000 Ha (2025)
PopulationNot specified
Earthworm Foundation
Forest Positive Coalition

Images & videos

Sorriso, Mato Grosso


Sorriso is an emerging landscape initiative in its early stages, where we are establishing a clear baseline and defining targets. These will be integrated into the Progress Reporting section of SourceUp as the initiative develops.


Earthworm is actively working to develop a sustainable and climate-resilient landscape in the Sorriso region of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The initiative focuses on ecosystem conservation, regenerative agriculture, and inclusive economic growth.

Our 2030 vision is to create a nature-positive landscape that harmonizes agricultural productivity with ecosystem protection, establishing a globally recognized model for sustainable soy and corn supply chains.

This initiative aligns with the PCI (Produce, Conserve, and Include) strategy in Mato Grosso.

Key commodities include

• Soy
• Maize
• Cotton
• Bean