General information
Land437200 Ha
Forest cover290.431 Ha (2017)
Cropland920.174 Ha (2017)
Population210.313 (2017)


The PPI Compact in Magdalena includes the municipalities of Zona Bananera, Cienaga, Aracataca and Fundación,  that together sum up an area of 448.397 ha. Approximately 21% of this area belongs to National Park Sierra Nevada, which implies high opportunities for conservation and the development of strtaegies for sustainable production. It is estmitaed that 15,7% of the area should be destinated to conservation, 63,8% have potential for agroforestry and protection, and 18% for agriculture. The area counts with 69.424 ha of native forest.

Main commoditties of this territory  are the banana and Palm Oil, with 10.786 ha and 20.280 ha of planted area respectively. Other commoditties produced in the zone are coffee, mango, maize and yucca, that have become an opportunity for smallholders to improve family's economy. The Department of Magdalena counts with one of the most important ports of Colombia, mobilising around 2.777.953 tons in exportations that includes products like banana, palm oil, and coffee among others. This port provide a competitive advantage to the PPI of Magdalena in terms of infrastructure and Development.

Some initiatives, that have been developed in the region during the last years, have strengthened the articulation among actors in the territory. Mainly those initiatives have been linked up to the water management, on of those is the water stewardship collective action led by WWF, that gathers different actors in the basin and water resources conservation. Other actors working on sustainable agricultural practices and watersheds protection are Fedeplama, The Embassy of The Netherlands, FAO, and The Embassy of the United Kingdom, among others.

Learn more about the PPI approach in Colombia here.